The Pizza Cart
The Pizza Cart is a great American story. A young couple started selling pizzas from a pizza cart (thus the name) in the Ace parking lot, and because the pizza is so delicious and they had great success, they decided to put down roots in a permanent structure. They used Kickstarter for funding their venture and moved over by Ninja Restaurant. They had a health scare recently, but once the Health Department is involved, a restaurant ends up being the cleanest restaurant in town. On Friday, I went in to pick up a pizza, because they have the best pizza in town, and they gave me 50% off my pie for supporting them during a rough time. Now, that's smart business. A lot of restaurants in Cedar City do not have a clue how to treat customers. When I find a restaurant that has good food, good pricing, and quality service, I will be a loyal customer. Those are the qualities that the Pizza Cart has. When I walked in to get my pizza, the owner greeted me by name. I pick up pizza every Friday for almost nine years in Cedar City and before the pizza cart, it was Papa Murphy's and Centro Pizza. Those two establishments never used my name, even though they should have known it since they always asked for my name when I ordered the pizza. Customers want to feel special and Pizza Cart has figured it out even though they are one of the newer restaurants in town. Thanks Pizza Cart! We love your pizza!
Always try to make people feel special and always make it a good day!